HU is committed to providing equal education opportunity and full participation for persons with disabilities. It is HU’s policy that no qualified person be excluded from participating in any HU program or activity, be denied the benefits of any HU program or activity, or otherwise be subject to discrimination regarding any HU program or activity. Toward this end, and in conjunction with the ADA and Section 504, HU provides reasonable accommodations for qualified students with various types of disabilities. 

Steps to Assessing Accommodations:

Step 1: Review our policy HERE on our SharePoint

  • There's lot of good information in there including: Your rights and responsibilities, required documentation, and examples of possible accommodations we offer.  


Step 2: Introduce yourself to Student Services by emailing [email protected]

  • You will receive the guidelines for documentation of your disability and Student Services can assist you in the process of receiving appropriate accommodations.

Step 3: Submit Your Documentation

Step 4: Wait to Hear Back

  • If documentation you submitted is sufficient and determines eligibility, you will receive a confirmation letter.
  • If the documentation you submitted is insufficient, you will receive a letter describing why and what is needed in order to determine disability status. 

Step 5: Let Your Needs Be Known

  • Be your own best advocate! It is your responsibility to connect with Student Services and discuss what accommodations you need. Typically, students make an appointment with Student Services within the first weeks of a semester. However, Student Services welcomes meeting with students over the summer if it is felt this would be helpful to the accommodation process. At the initial meeting, we will work with you to determine what accommodations are needed and reasonable within the context of the courses you are taking, and the medical documentation provided.

Step 6: Faculty Notification Forms

  • Faculty notification forms are completed with you outlining the approved accommodations. 
  • You are to give these forms to each of your faculty. We encourage you to discuss the nature of your disability and how it impacts you, but only if you are comfortable doing so.

Step 7: Stay in Touch!

  • We expect (and want) you to reach out if you are experiencing personal, academic, or accommodation related difficulties