Faculty members are responsible for investigating, sanctioning, and reporting all instances of academic misconduct that occur within a class. The Student Handbook outlines the academic code of conduct policy and the resolution process. The Quick Links tab on MyHU is home to the most recent copy of the Student Handbook.

The process to review and report is available on the Student Services Sharepoint site as a resource for faculty members: https://myharrisburgu.sharepoint.com/sites/StudentServices/SitePages/Academic-Code-of-Conduct.aspx.

Failure to report instances of academic misconduct places a student at a disadvantage, as valuable resources that may prevent reoccurrence are not provided to the student. Additionally, the student has a right to appeal all misconduct findings. Failure to report may not provide the student with access to due process.

Faculty members may be hesitant to report because they are afraid of further repercussions for the student. The Office of Student Services will support the faculty member's findings and sanctioning determination unless the violation is particularly egregious or multiple offenses occurred. Reporting all instances of academic misconduct will also help us to address repeat offenders. 

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